architectural encounters with ai
Ongoing research at TU Delft
in collaboration with Georg Vrachliotis, Group of History and Theory of Architecture and Digital Culture.
PhD researcher: Gent Shehu
The aim of this
research platform is to systematically investigate the architectural and urban spatialization
of AI technologies. Following
the analysis of selected automated environments and closed systems, we will study several case studies of automated work landscapes to address issues of architectural design, energy and land consumption,
labor, infrastructures and industrial networks.
Its contribution aspires to be threefold: 1) anticipate the implications for sustainable urbanization of the digital transition in productive environments; 2) develop transdisciplinary methods to investigate the cultural and ecological significance of the digitization of the environment; and 3) make a fundamental step towards the still unwritten architectural history of artificial intelligence.
The project is embedded in a cooperation between the my research in the Department of Urbanism, with the Theory of Architecture and Digital Culture Group in the Department of Architecture.
Gent Shehu is the Ph.D. researcher who will study the first set of case studies, concerning indoor environments for the production of food and medicinal crops in the Dutch delta system.
Its contribution aspires to be threefold: 1) anticipate the implications for sustainable urbanization of the digital transition in productive environments; 2) develop transdisciplinary methods to investigate the cultural and ecological significance of the digitization of the environment; and 3) make a fundamental step towards the still unwritten architectural history of artificial intelligence.
The project is embedded in a cooperation between the my research in the Department of Urbanism, with the Theory of Architecture and Digital Culture Group in the Department of Architecture.
Gent Shehu is the Ph.D. researcher who will study the first set of case studies, concerning indoor environments for the production of food and medicinal crops in the Dutch delta system.