refereed research articles
Herdt, T. & Muñoz Sanz, V. (2023). "Experts as game changers: A critical discourse analysis of climate adaptation measures in the Amsterdam Metropolitan Region,” in Urban Planning vol 8, issue 2. ︎︎︎︎Muñoz Sanz, V., Romero Muñoz, S., Bello Gómez, L., Sánchez Chaparro, T., & Herdt, T. (2022). “Making Green Work: Implementation Strategies in a New Generation of Urban Forests,” in Urban Planning, vol 7 issue 2. ︎︎︎︎
Muñoz Sanz, V. (2020),“Urbanism as Myth and Ceremony: Social Legitimacy and the Development of the Bata Shoe Company Satellite Towns (1929-1935),” in Articulo - Journal of Urban Research 20 | 2020.︎︎︎︎
book editorship
Bedir, M., Groen, L., Kuijpers, M., Muñoz Sanz, V. & Otero Verzier, M., eds. (2023),Automated Landscapes,

Muñoz Sanz, V., Thomidou, A., eds. (2022),
Roadside Picnics: Encounters with the Uncanny,

Van den Heuvel, D., Martens, J., Muñoz Sanz, V., eds. (2020),
Habitat: Ecology Thinking in Architecture,

Hill, Adrian V (ed.), Croxford, B., Domenech, T., Hausleitner, B., Meyer, H., Orban, A., Muñoz Sanz, V., Vanin, F. & Warden J., (2020)
Foundries of the Future: a Guide to 21st Century Cities of Making.

Dijkstra, R., Ionescu I., Muñoz Sanz, V., eds. (2019),
and Urban Space Evolution: City changes in the age of autonomous cars.

Mehrotra, R., Doherty, G., Muñoz Sanz, V., eds. (2012),
Extreme Urbanism 2: Speculations and Alternative Futures for the Mumbai
Metropolitan Region.

Mehrotra, R., Muñoz Sanz, V., eds. (2011),
Urbanism: Reimagining Mumbai’s Back Bay.

journal and periodical editorship
Muñoz Sanz, V., Handel, D., eds. (2019), Footprint:
Delft Architecture Theory Journal

Van den Heuvel, D., Muñoz Sanz, V., eds.,

Van den Heuvel, D., Muñoz Sanz, V., eds.,
Total Space.

book chapters
Muñoz Sanz, V. & Hein, C. (2023; in press), “Fortalecer los espacios libres de la ciudad y deshacer los restos de la era del petróleo: el proyecto de espacio público europeo contemporáneo” [Strengthening urban open spaces and undoing remnants of the Oil Age: the contemporary European public space project], in: L. Fernández-Ordoñez, A. La Casta & F. Porras-Isla-Fernández, eds., Plaza de España, Madrid 2017-2022. Madrid: Ediciones Asimétricas.Muñoz Sanz, V. (2023), “Best Supporting Characters”, in: M. Bedir, L. Groen, M. Kuijpers, V. Muñoz Sanz & M. Otero Verzier, eds. (2023), Automated Landscapes, Rotterdam: Het Nieuwe Instituut, 149-159.
Muñoz Sanz, V., Kuijpers, M., Abou Joude, G. (2023), “Agricultural Platforms”, in: M. Bedir, L. Groen, M. Kuijpers, V. Muñoz Sanz & M. Otero Verzier, eds. (2023), Automated Landscapes, Rotterdam: Het Nieuwe Instituut, 119-129.
Muñoz Sanz, V. (2023), “Researching Automated Landscapes”, in: M. Bedir, L. Groen, M. Kuijpers, V. Muñoz Sanz & M. Otero Verzier, eds. (2023), Automated Landscapes, Rotterdam: Het Nieuwe Instituut, 111-118.
Muñoz Sanz, V. & Thomidou, A. (2022), “Roadside Picnics: non-fiction,” in V. Muñoz Sanz & A. Thomidou, eds., Roadside Picnics: Encounters with the Uncanny. Barcelona: DPR Barcelona, 14-23.
Hausleitner, B., Hill, A., Domenech, T., Muñoz Sanz, V. (2022), “Urban Manufacturing for Circularity: Three Pathways to Move from Linear to Circular Cities,” in: Amenta, L., van Timmeren, A., and Russo, M. (eds), Regenerative Territories: Dimensions of Circularity for Healthy Metabolisms, Berlin: Springer. ︎︎︎︎
Muñoz Sanz, V. (2020), “Best Supporting Characters,” in: Riha, T. et al., eds., Steel Cities: Architecture of Logistics in East Central Europe. Prague, Zurich: VI PER, Park Books, pp. 290_304. ︎︎︎︎
Muñoz Sanz, V. (2018), “Researching Automated Landscapes”, in: Otero Verzier, M., Axel, N. (eds), WORK BODY LEISURE, Berlin: Hatje Cantz, pp. 103-126. ︎︎︎︎
Trovato, G., Fernández Salgado, C., Muñoz Sanz, V. (2015), “Lercara Friddi. My Green Way”, in: Margagliotta, A., ed., Strada Paesaggio Città. La città in estensione tra Palermo e Agrigento, Roma: Gangemi Editori, pp. 86-91. ︎︎︎︎
chapters in technical reports
Croxford, B., Domenech, T., Hausleitner, B., Hill, A.V., Meyer, H. Orban, A., Muñoz
Sanz, V. & Vanin, F. (2020), “Three Pathways to Support Urban Manufacturing” in: Hill, Adrian V ed. Foundries of the Future: a Guide
to 21st Century Cities of Making. Delft: TU Delft Open, pp. 67-100. ︎︎︎︎Croxford, B., Domenech, T., Hausleitner, B., Hill, A.V., Meyer, H. Orban, A., Muñoz Sanz, V. & Vanin, F. (2020), “A Pattern Language” in: Hill, Adrian V ed. Foundries of the Future: a Guide to 21st Century Cities of Making. Delft: TU Delft Open, pp. 103-207. ︎︎︎︎
Croxford, B., Domenech, T., Hausleitner, B., Hill, A.V., Meyer, H. Orban, A., Muñoz Sanz, V. & Vanin, F. (2020), “A Manifesto for 21st Century Manufacturing” in: Hill, A. V. ed. Foundries of the Future: a Guide to 21st Century Cities of Making. Delft: TU Delft Open, pp. 233-241. ︎︎︎︎
Muñoz Sanz, V., Hausleitner, B., Klapwijk, A., Meyer, H. (2018), “Rotterdam The Hague, NL,” in: Cities Report (technical report released by “Cities of Making,” project funded by Joint Programming Initiative Urban Europe - ERA-NET Cofund Smart Urban Futures), May 2018. pp. 133-183. ︎︎︎︎
contributions to edited volumes
Muñoz Sanz, V., Handel, D. (2019), “‘Man is the
Measure of All Things’”, in: Footprint:
Delft Architecture Theory Journal, issue 25, Vol. 13 No 2, Muñoz Sanz, V.,
Handel, D., eds., pp. 1-6. ︎︎︎︎Van den Heuvel, D., Muñoz Sanz, V. (2017), “Studio Rotor: Deconstruction”, in: Van den Heuvel, D., Muñoz Sanz, V. (eds), Deconstruction. Insert in Volume #51, November 2017, p. 3. ︎︎︎︎
Van den Heuvel D., Muñoz Sanz V. (2017), “Nodes and Networks”, in: Van den Heuvel, D., Muñoz Sanz, V. (eds), Total Space. Insert in Volume #50, December 2016, pp. 14-23. ︎︎︎︎
articles in conference proceedings
Muñoz Sanz, V. (2022). “Designing Consent: Emerging spatialities in data-driven work environments.” In Proceedings of the Ninth Annual Conference of the Jaap Bakema Study Centre. Building data: architecture, memory and new imaginaries, 37-44. ︎︎︎︎Muñoz Sanz, V., Herdt, T., Romero Muñoz, S., Bello Gómez, L., & Sánchez Chaparro, T. (2022). "Between Top-down and Bottom-up: A comparative study on organizational and governance models in a new generation of Urban Forests.” Abstract published in International Conference Urban Forests, Forest Urbanisms & Global Warming: Developing Greener, Cooler and more Resilient Cities: Book of Abstracts (pp. 19). KU Leuven. ︎︎︎︎
Bracken, G., Sanz Oliver, J., & Muñoz Sanz, V. (2022). “Jaap Bakema’s Open Society in the Twenty-first Century: A Critical Appraisal of ’t Hool, the Netherlands and Montbau, Spain.” In International Planning History Society Proceedings, vol. 19, n. 1, June 2022, 789-799. TU Delft Open. ︎︎︎︎
Muñoz Sanz, V. (2016), “Beyond the Company: Intended and Unintended Legacies of Modern Industrial Urban Planning and Design. The Case of the Bata Shoe Company Satellite Towns (1929-2015),” in International Planning History Society Proceedings, vol. 17, n. 3, June 2016, pp. 29-40. ︎︎︎︎
Muñoz Sanz, V. (2015),“Co sa Stalo s Bat’ovými Mestami: Rozmanité Osudy Priemyselných Satelitných Miest Koncernu Bat’a” [Whatever Happened to the Bata Towns], in Klára Kubicková, ed, Zvorník zo Sympózia Architektúra A Územné Plánovanie Koncernu Bata Ako Jeden Z Faktorov Modernizácie Slovenska [Symposium Proceedings The Architecture and Urban Planning of the Bata Concern as one of the Modernization Factors in Slovakia], pp. 29-47. ︎︎︎︎
Muñoz Sanz, V. (2014), “Between global turbulences and local manners: the multiple lives of the Bata Shoe Company satellite towns,” in Marcolin, Paolo and Joaquim Flores, eds, Proceedings of the International Conference 20th Century New Towns: Archetypes and Uncertainties, May 2014, pp. 277-297. ︎︎︎︎
doctoral dissertation
Muñoz Sanz, V. (2015):Networked Utopia. Architecture and Urbanism in the Bata Shoe
Company satellite cities,1930 to the present,

invited contributions to edited periodicals
Muñoz Sanz, V. (2022), “Five Freedoms, technology and autonomy in animal farming: a report from the Netherlands”, in Monumental Wastelands Magazine 1, issue on ‘Autonomy’. ︎︎︎︎Muñoz Sanz, V. (2020), “Genes, Robots, and Toxicity: the Haunted Landscapes of Milk Production”, in Solitude Journal 1, issue on ‘Collective Care and Response-ability”, pp. 58-67. ︎︎︎︎
Muñoz Sanz, V., Kuijpers, M., Abou Jaoude, G. (2018),“Agricultural Platforms,” in Harvard Design Magazine #46, Winter 2018, pp. 124-31. ︎︎︎︎
Muñoz Sanz, V. (2018), “Polanyi in the Garden,” in Bartlebooth 7 “Más Allá de lo Humano.” Winter 2018, pp. 169-79. ︎︎︎︎
Muñoz Sanz, V. (2017), “Captives in FutureLand”, in Volume #51, November 2017, pp. 38-41. ︎︎︎︎
Muñoz Sanz, V. (2016), “Welcome to FutureLand: Automation Takes Command in the Port of Rotterdam”, in Volume #49, September 2016, pp. 33-38. ︎︎︎︎
Muñoz Sanz, V. (2013), “The parallel lives of a modernist imagination: the urban legacy of the Bata Shoe Company satellite towns,” in Atlantis: platform for urbanism 23.4, June 2013, pp. 28-21.
Muñoz Sanz, V. (2013), “Unfolding a Modern Palimpsest: Batanagar, 1934-2013,”in Domus [India] 27, April 2013, pp. 100-105.
Muñoz Sanz, V. (2012), “RESEX: the entropic landscape of the Amazon basin,” in On Site Review 27, spring 2012, issue on Rural Urbanism, pp. 4-5.
Muñoz Sanz, V. (2012), “Batawa: the company town,” in On Site Review 27, spring 2012, issue on Rural Urbanism, pp. 32-33.
Aguirre, P., Izquierdo, F., Janka, L., Rodriguez, A., Muñoz Sanz, V. (2011), “100% análogo: el futuro del papel” (100% analog: the future of paper), in Revista PLOT!,5, 2011, pp. 219.
invited online articles
Muñoz Sanz, V. (2018), “Platform Architectures”,
in Positions, e-flux Architecture,
January 23, 2018. ︎︎︎︎Muñoz Sanz, V. (2016), “Welcome to FutureLand: Automation Takes Command in the Port of Rotterdam”, republished in Archdaily , October 6, 2016. ︎︎︎︎
online media
Muñoz Sanz, V. (2018), “Off:Re:Onshore”,
audio-documentary produced by the Canadian Centre for Architecture. Conceived
and developed as Emerging Curator 2015-2016. Featuring Keller Easterling, Rosey
Hurst, Sarah Labowitz, Rahul Mehrotra, Anne Elizabeth Moore, Maitrayee
Mukhopadhyay, Raúl Cárdenas Osuna, and Wouter Vanstiphout. ︎︎︎︎datasets
Hausleitner, B., Muñoz Sanz, V., Hill, A., Meyer, H., Croxford, B., Domenech Aparisi, T., Warden, J., Vanin, F., Orban, A., Nakhlé, L., Rebreanu, L. (2020). Cities of Making pattern language _ final card set. TU Delft - 4TU Centre for research data. ︎︎︎︎in the press
On HabitatStumm, Alexander, “Buchtipp: Die Umwelt sind wir,” review of Habitat. Ecology Thinking in Architecture, in BauNetz, December 15, 2020. ︎︎︎︎
“Habitat” review of Habitat. Ecology Thinking in Architecture, in ROM (Ruimtelijke Ontwikkeling, Infrastructuur & Milieu) Magazine, November 2020.
Ettema, Maarten, “Leestips (voor de gedeeltelijke lockdown,” review of Habitat. Ecology Thinking in Architecture, in Blauwe Kamer, October 2020. ︎︎︎︎
On Cities of Making:
“Maak plek in de stad voor de maakindustrie,” in, July 15, 2022. ︎︎︎︎
“More space for manufacturing please, but where?” in TU Delft | Stories, June 2022. ︎︎︎︎
Froy, Francesca, “The real issue behind Britain’s railway arches being sold off” in, The Independent, August 8, 2018. ︎︎︎︎
Pooler, Michael, “Niche manufacturers find a place in the city,” in Financial Times, June 6, 2018. ︎︎︎︎
On Automated Landscapes:
Interviewed and quoted in: Mulder, Frank, “Weg met de suboptimale zonsondergang!” in De Groene Amsterdammer, February 26, 2019.
Interview for an episode in the podcast series “Useful life” by Failed Architecture and Jajajaneeneenee radio. ︎︎︎︎
Metz, Tracy, “Niet alleen prostitués werken vanuit bed” [Not only prostitutes work from bed], in NRC, May 30, 2018.
Agencia EFE, “Holanda invita a viajar por fantásticos” [The Netherlands invites to travel to fantastic worlds], in, May 25, 2018. ︎︎︎︎
“Work, Body, Leisure,” in BK news, January 28, 2018. ︎︎︎︎
On Bata and Company Towns:
Interviewed and quoted in: Rubio Hancock, Jaime, “Las ciudades fundadas por empresas: de la utopía a la explotación” [Company Towns: From Utopia to Exploitation], in El País, July 8, 2019. ︎︎︎︎
"Founder of Harvard University’s Druker Prize: ‘Bata is an amazing story’,” in Bata World News, November 13, 2013.
“Batanagar, India. The dream of making a work place the happiest place on earth,” in Bata World News, April 30, 2013.
“Victor Sanz (MAUD’11) is a company man,” in GSD News, June 28, 2012. ︎︎︎︎
On 196,925m:
Almaraz, Jorge, “Retratan la orillita del DF” [The shoreline of Mexico City is portrayed], in Publimetro, August 16, 2011.